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Indexed Tuition

C'E Montessori is committed to the economic and racial diversity in our family body, so not every student is charged the same tuition. Families who apply and qualify for reduced tuition pay a tuition level that takes into consideration what they are able to afford, based on a calculation done through the school and Student Service (SSS), a financial service of the National Association for Independent Schools. The school considers this calculation together with priorities that we have developed to create and sustain diversity in our classrooms. Interested parties should fill out the application via our partners at SSS below. The school code for C'E Montessori is 200159.

Indexed Tuition Application for C'E Montessori via SSS
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Indexed Tuition Timeline

2021/2022 School Year
  • Aug 1, 2021 - All Indexed Tuition applications are due

  • Aug 15, 2021 - Indexed Tuition decisions mailed to families

2022/2023 School Year
  • Jan 15, 2022 - All Indexed Tuition applications are due

  • Feb 2, 2022 - Indexed Tuition decisions mailed to families

  • Feb 25, 2022 - Indexed Tuition decisions are rolling along with admissions decisions

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Admissions Director - Mary Beth Kennedy

Mary Beth Kennedy is the Director of Admissions and Parents at C'E Montessori. She is one of the founding families at C'E Montessori. She has three children at C'E, a set of twins in our Lower Elementary program, and another daughter in our Primary (2.5-5) program. She is our prospective parents' first point of contact as they learn out about our school and continues that work curating monthly family events and answering questions for parents throughout the year. Email her if you have any questions about admissions or if you would like a parent's perspective of life at our school.

Email Mary Beth