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I have always been curious, with a deep love for learning. That has never changed; it has only increased as I’ve grown older. I am lucky that my family and my education have afforded that. They have provided other things, such as math, history, language, and science, but nothing has proved as important as my innate curiosity.

Whenever I discover, learn, or engage myself in something new, I become curious. As the leader of a Montessori classroom, I have encountered transformative moments: a full class abuzz in productive work, a quiet child perfecting a pouring exercise, and a child waiting patiently for a classmate to finish their work, to then collaborate with them and make a free-standing pink tower.


The traditional Montessori classroom proves powerful because it plays upon the inherent strengths of the child. Children learn better in motion, through hands-on learning, with room to explore, fail, learn from their failures, and develop their innate curiosity, as they explore the world and their place in it.

My infinite curiosity drove me and my team to tinker with the status quo. C’E Montessori did not change the traditional Montessori classroom; we unleashed its power and changed it to something transformative. As a good Montessorian, I know that the worst thing for me to do, when you’re curious, is just tell you about this. I will tell you, though, that we are excited, and that our changes have transformed the Montessori classroom experience. I invite you to learn more, to visit us in Williamsburg, and to participate in our community of lifelong, curious learners.

Fernando Camberos

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